Workshops, Events and Learning with Miro, OBS & Stream Deck

Host Interactive Events • Facilitate Engaging Workshops • Create Virtual Experiences

What Is The Facilitainer All About?

Virtual Facilitation meets Tech, Entertainment & Engagement

Welcome to a world where Virtual Events aren’t just attended, but truly experienced. Every workshop, every webinar — transformed into an interactive celebration of learning and engagement. It’s time to redefine what audiences should expect from virtual workshops and interactive events. Boost your Virtual Facilitation with the Facilitainer.

Who Is the Facilitainer?

virtual facilitation workshop engagement

Have you ever attended an online event that felt more like an annoying duty than a memorable experience? I’ve been there, and it inspired me to take action.

I’m Said, known as the Facilitainer. My mission? To help create online events that are not just informative but also enjoyable.

By mastering the power of tools like Zoom, Butter, OBS Studio, Stream Deck, Mentimeter, and more, we can transform ordinary online gatherings into vibrant, interactive experiences. I firmly believe that with the right tools and techniques, online events can be much more than mere meetings. My goal is to ensure that every participant feels fully engaged and connected.

If you’re looking to elevate the quality of our online events, whether they’re workshops, presentations, or training sessions, I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

Tailored Training Sessions:

Learn how to use the latest digital tools effectively. I’ll guide you through the basics and beyond, making it easier for you to navigate online platforms.

One-on-One Coaching:

Get individual guidance to improve your virtual events. Whether you’re a speaker, facilitator, or host, I’ll help you connect better with your online audience.

Event Hosting:

Count on me to host enjoyable and interactive events for your teams and communities. I can create networking events, game nights, quiz shows, and virtual escape games (e.g., in Miro).

With my guidance and support, you can unlock the full potential of virtual tools and create exceptional online events that captivate and engage your audience.

Who to Benefit from My Services?

virtual facilitation engagement mentimeter

My services are designed for:


  • Virtual Facilitators, Trainers, and Speakers
  • Individual Professionals
  • Teams and Communities

Whether you work independently in Learning & Development, Content Creation, or Facilitation, or you’re part of a group, we’re here to assist.


Why Choose The Facilitainer?

With me, virtual experiences go beyond the ordinary. Engaging in the virtual world isn’t just about participating; it’s about leaving a lasting impression. I simplify technology, offering interactive workshops and engaging events. Whether it’s remote training, a live stream like LinkedIn Live, or a large community event, you’ll always stand out.

How To Overcome Virtual Hurdles?

virtual facilitation OBS Studio interactive

The virtual world has its challenges: low engagement, technical hiccups, and the discouraging task of keeping an audience entertained. With me by your side, each of these challenges transforms into opportunities.

Together, we’ll enhance interactivity and infuse sessions with a sprinkle in entertainment, making each event truly unforgettable.

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Sign up to receive exclusive hacks, tips, event updates, valuable resources, and more—all designed to help you create engaging virtual experiences.

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